Sunday 9 November 2014

My Skincare Routine| How My Skin Has Changed

I'm not going to lie, I take really good care of my skin. And I'm not going to be modest about it either because it's something I'm proud of. I can't remember the last time I went to bed with my makeup on because it's probably never happened. My skin has changed a lot this year. I've finally developed a skincare routine that I am happy with and works really well for me. However this is not to say these exact products will all work for you. My skin type is oily and acne-prone, so if your skin is in a similar condition, these products could be worth giving a go.

I'm in no way claiming that my skin is perfect, because it isn't and it probably never will be. But I'm finally in a place where I am happy with it. I don't mind going out without makeup on anymore which is something I used to be so uncomfortable with. In fact I love no makeup days and have many of these each week. As much as I love makeup, I seriously encourage you to go without a few times a week. I went through a period of about 2 months where I didn't wear any foundation and I think this is when my skin improved the most. It was hard in the beginning, but worth it in the long run.

Morning Skincare 
Cleansing and moisturizing in the morning is so important to me. I think it makes such a difference when it comes to makeup application. Most mornings I use Biore Blemish Fighting Ice Cleanser.
I love how cooling and refreshing it is to use in the morning. It's also really creamy and luxurious feeling. I can't say that it has helped massively with reducing breakouts, but I leave that up to my night time cleanser. About twice a week instead of my cleanser I'll use St Ives Blemish Control Green Tea Scrub to exfoliate. This is an important step to get rid of any dead skin cells that have not removed them self and could possibly build up and clog pores. I like to exfoliate in the morning though so my foundation goes on a lot more smoothly. Again its not a miracle product, but it does the job. Lastly I will moisturize with Olay Complete UV Protection Moisture Lotion. Even if you have oily skin you must moisturize! If you skip this step your skin will over produce oils since cleansing strips it, and your skin will end up even more oily. I use a very light weight moisturizer specifically for oily skin (which it says on the bottle). I also think it is super important to have SPF protection in a moisturizer to prevent early aging, and this one is SPF 15!

Night time skincare

Always, ALWAYS, take your makeup off before bed. Please, if you take one thing away from this post, may it be this. Sleeping in makeup is the fastest way to make your skin age prematurely. Every night it use Cetaphil Skin Cleanser for Oily or Acne-Prone Skin. I use it once, just by wetting my hands and applying it to dry skin. I then massage it in all over my face, even my eyes. It removes makeup brilliantly! I remove this with a flannel and repeat. This product kills to birds with one stone which saves a lot of time. This cleanser is what I have to thank for clearing my skin. It has done the most work at getting rid of breakouts and I would recommend that everyone give it a go. Once or twice a week I like to go in with a face mask. My favorite is Catastrophe Cosmetic from Lush. It is a clay mask but I think it would be appropriate for all skin types. It is kept in the fridge so it is really lovely and soothing and cooling. I then use a more intensive night cream. My choice is Aveeno Positively Radiant Intensive Night Cream.  It does the job, but it is not one I will be repurchasing. I'm thinking of finding one for helping clear dark spots and scars. Any recommendations? Lastly I use a spot gel on any pesky spots. Witch Blemish Gel  is my favorite. I apply this on spots, or somewhere I know a spot is going to appear at night and it helps to reduce it while I'm sleeping. This is the best one I have tried compared to companies like Clearasil and Clean and Clear which do nothing for me personally. Most nights I use Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream as a lip balm as well before bed which is fantastic. `

My skin this time last year without makeup
My skin without makeup now
Last year

Only now looking back at these before and afters have I realized just how much my skin has changed in a year. I can't stress enough to you how important it is to have a good skincare routine. It doesn't have to be expensive. And if you are having issues with your skin, just remember that nothing is going to change over night. It takes time. My skin has taken a year to get to where it is now, and it's still changing. But also remember that your skin doesn't define you! No one is going to be looking at that spot on your chin, or your dark circles. And even if you have terrible terrible acne, those who you choose to associate with probably couldn't care less. If it really bothered them they wouldn't hang around you. If you have any further questions feel free to email me, or message me on my facebook.   Here is a link to that!

I hope you've enjoyed reading this and I have helped you in some way. Have a great evening!

Courtney Grace

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