Tuesday 11 November 2014

My Pamper Routine |A Night of Relaxation

One of my absolute favorite things to do is have a pamper night. At this time of year with exams looming it's the perfect way to de-stress which is so important! I make sure I have everything that I needed to do for the day done beforehand so I can totally relax. I also find it helps if you tidy your bathroom or bedroom first too. I don't know about you but for me a cluttered room means a cluttered mind which just leads to more stress. Its such a lovely feeling to go to bed feeling squeaky clean and pampered! So why don't you set aside one night this week to have your own pamper night. You don't have to follow all my steps and you can even add some of your own! I promise you won't regret it.

1. The first thing I like to do is light some candles. I think it really sets the mood. And come on, is there really anything more relaxing than candlelight? The one that I am using at the moment is Spiced Ginger Muffin scented. I bought it at New World for about $12 which is really great for a large candle! The smell reminds me so much of Christmas (which is so nearly here! *GASP*)

2. Next I begin to run a bath. If you don't have one I'd suggest having a lovely hot shower instead! I love to use Lush bath products and tonight I used half of a Creamy Candy Bubble Bar. You just crumble it under a running faucet and it creates mountains of delicious smelling bubbles. I've tried heaps of Lush Bath products so let me know if you want any reviews!

3. Then I would go in with the cleansing part of my skincare routine (I'll leave a link to that post). You could also then use a mask if you like for added luxury. Hot steamy baths are so great for your skin because they really open up your pores and sweat out all the toxins. Just make sure when you get out to rinse your face with cold water to close them up.

4. Then of course it is time to get into your bath for a nice long soak. I always make sure to have a cold beverage on hand just in case I get too hot. I like to have water with ice but in a wine glass just to make me feel a little more swanky! I also tend to get a little bored in the bath, so I love to watch Youtube videos (my favorite at the moment are from the funniest family called the SacconeJolys). You could also listen to music or read a book. Or, you could always just enjoy the peacefulness. I'd then wash myself with a shower gel. At the moment I'm using a Grapefruit Body Shop one which smells so summery and delicious. You could also shave your legs to feel extra pampered when you get out.

5. As soon as I'm out I finish off my night time skincare routine. If you wanted to you could also moisturize your entire body. I always do this after shaving my legs. I'm just using the standard Nivea one in the tub at the moment which is simple but nice. Then get into your comfiest pajamas!

6. I like to do some other little steps which aren't entirely necessary but make me feel extra pampered. I pluck my own eyebrows after a bath when the skin has softened so it's less painful. I don't know about you but for me there is no better feeling than waking up to nice clean brows. I don't always paint my nails because honestly most of the time I'm too lazy. But when I do my favorite formula to use is the Maybelline Color Show one. It is so long lasting!

7. Then finally I'll do something I enjoy like watch more Youtube videos, watch television or browse the internet. However I also think it is important to eliminate sources of light around half an hour before bed though. I've heard that light from technology peaks your melatonin levels which tells your body to be awake. So right before I go to bed I may read a book, or do some Yoga which is so relaxing! I always have the BEST sleep after a night of pampering and wake up feeling so refreshed.

So I challenge anyone reading this, whether you're feeling stressed or not to give this a go. Everyone needs a little pampering every now and then. And I promise you'll go to bed and wake up feeling a million bucks! As much as it is super fun to socialize at night, its also so important for our mental well-being to just take time out for ourselves. So if you're reading this, turn off your phone, turn off your computer, and go run a bath!

Thanks for reading and I hope this has given you some inspiration! Have a lovely evening!

Courtney Grace

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