Wednesday 6 January 2016

3 Things I've Learn't About Adulthood (So Far)

Adulthood has always been a very interesting concept to me. For some reason, we're all in a hurry to grow up and become independent. But when something doesn't quite go to plan we're very quick to pull the 'I'm still a teenager card'. As I have been an adult now for approximately 11 months and 2 days, I thought it would be an appropriate time to reminisce. I've managed to get my first job and save money, move out of home into my tiny apartment in a city eight hours away, complete tertiary study, and accomplish plenty of other 'adult' things too. This is what I have learnt and discovered about growing up along the way. Whether you're about to join the club, or have been a member for a while now, you might be able to relate in some way.

1. If In Doubt, Call Mum

Moving out can be pretty scary. All of a sudden you're in charge of things you didn't even know existed. Things like the 12 different settings on your washing machine, because apparently you can't just chuck the lot in? I can't even recall the amount of times I've rung home to ask what temperature to wash my jeans at. Moral of the story, just because you don't live with your parents anymore, doesn't mean they're not still there to guide you. Don't let your pride get in the way, pick up the phone. And if your parents don't answer, Google is your next best friend. Trust me.

2. Making Friends Is Hard!

By the time you finish high school most people have a nicely sized group of friends. Let me tell you now, that changes pretty quickly. Your peers are off on their own exciting adventure, so it's inevitable that you'll see less of them than when you were at school together everyday. It's easy to get comfortable with the friends you've been with up until now. But unfortunately in the adult world, you don't get stuffed in classrooms with 25 other humans your age to take your pick from. Making friends now actually involves effort and real life conversation. Weird huh?

3. You'll Spend $20 On a Pizza, But Refuse To Spend The Same On a New Razor

True story by the way. In the blink of an eye, the responsibility of managing your money is thrust upon you, and it's freakin hard! What's even worse, you have to spend your hard earned cash on mundane things, like toilet paper, or dish washing liquid. When you first enter into the adult world, more often than not, you won't have disposable funds. You very quickly learn sneaky ways to save a buck or two. For instance, using your suitcase as a washing basket because you're too cheap to buy a real one. Or using the washing powder you already have in your cupboard as a body scrub because it gets the job done just as well for a fraction of the price, (even if you do end up a little rashy).

Back to the pizza story. I most likely ordered enough $20 pizza's to buy me several new razors. Twenty bucks for just one pizza didn't seem all that bad when it meant I wouldn't have to cook, do dishes, or even leave my apartment. But every time I made the dreaded trip down the cosmetics aisle at the supermarket and cautiously slid the $22 razor of its shelf, I always put it back. My logic behind it was that I couldn't afford to spend such an abominable amount, and I was being good by saving my money. But when 7 o'clock on a Friday night rolled around and I still hadn't planned dinner, I never hesitated to call Dominos .

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